This is a complimentary block for the month of February for Quilt Block Mania. The block is free during the month of February.
Quilt Block Mania has talented pattern designers that offer free blocks on the first Tuesday of the month. This month's theme was connections. I decided to make a patchwork heart. This heart is traditionally pieced. This block features different shades of pink with a white background. The block can be made into a small wallhanging for that special someone. Making three of these blocks would make a nice table runner.
Patchwork Heart Block

Click on the pattern picture to be directed to the pattern page.
Where Do I Get The Block?
Sign up for my email notifications and you will receive a code to receive the block for free. The code will be valid for February 2023. One download allowable per person. Those that already receive my emails, will receive an email with the code as well.
Click the link below to sign up for the email notifications. You will be redirected to the home page. Scroll to the bottom of the page and sign up or wait for the pop up box and sign up. Once signed up, you will receive a code. Use the code during checkout to receive your free block. No worries, we do not send out newsletters or email notifications often so you email box will not be spammed. We do not sell contact information or email addresses. Check out this pattern and there are many others that we have on the website to check out too.
You can also see other Quilt Mania Blocks by other designers by clicking on the links below.

https://alwaysexpectmoore.com/hearts-and-stars-quilt-block https://www.inquiringquilter.com/questions/2023/02/07/quiltblock-mania-february-is-connections https://inflorescencedesigns.com/quilt-block-mania-connections/ https://boberrydesignco.com/blogs/news/connected-hearts-block-by-boberry-design-co https://scrapdash.com/mardi-gras-geese https://sugarsandquilts.com/chain-link https://www.quiltfabrication.com/2023/01/linked-for-february-quilt-block-mania.html"https://www.paleofishdesigns.com/post/irish-chainhttps://thepalmcreations.com/blogs/news/the-secret-to-life-dna-quilt-blockhttps://pattispatchwork-blog.com/2023/02/07/reaching-out-to-say-hello/https://lovinglylissa.com/2023/02/07/lovers-knot/https://www.appliquesquiltsandmore.com/blog/quilt-block-mania-double-hearts-391314https://tamarinis.typepad.com/tamarinis/2023/01/quilt-block-mania-key-to-my-heart.htmlhttps://www.pennyspoolquilts.com/blogs/blog/connections-quilt-blockhttps://www.craftystaci.com/blog/wi-fi-signal-quilt-blockhttps://www.quirkyb.com/post/quilt-block-mania-february-s-block-patchwork-hearthttps://www.blueheronquilting.shop/post/text-me-free-pattern"https://ohkayequilting.com/2023/02/07/braided-love/https://www.sallyssewingcircle.com/post/tree-of-lifehttps://sewworthymama.com/blogs/journal/free-hearts-together-quilt-block-pattern-quiltblockmania-february-2023
https://www.blueskymoderncraft.com/blog/quilt-block-mania-love-encircled https://www.apieceofquietquilts.com/quilty-blog/celtic-hearts-quilt-blockhttps://bluebearquilts.com/2023/02/quilt-block-mania-half-friendship-star-with-heart-block-complimentary-block-pattern-for-february-2023/
I received the email but there was no code to get the block for free. Do I need to sign up again?